Our Leaders

Mere Chambers

Mere is an incredibly dynamic athlete with extensive knowledge in various fitness modalities. Holding prestigious certifications with NASM Personal Training, Precision Nutrition Coaching and Group Fitness she is ready to coach you to be the strongest and healthiest version of yourself. She has been a fierce leader of the fitness industry in Washington, DC for 6+ years and currently is a founding instructor at FlexDC. She encourages all of her clients and her community to train hard and to practice gratitude. She will help you find your FIERCE. Mere has helped countless people feel good again in their bodies and gain the confidence they need to live a joyful life. She is bringing her knowledge and love for fitness and nutrition to each retreat and individually will help you define and reach your goals.

Kathleen Kulikowski

Kathleen comes to you as your leader and guide from extensive years in the fitness and wellness industry and a true calling and purpose to lead. Formerly a Master SoulCycle Instructor, training officer and founding instructor for Equinox +, she is well known as a true pioneer in the Washington, DC fitness industry. She now holds certifications in Breathwork and life + relationship coaching. She coaches and supports women all over the world. She has a gift for helping people develop the tools they need to be whoever they want to be. She can help you trust in yourself and believe you can create the life you want and truly deserve. She will empower you through self love, self trust and self power. Over the past year, Kathleen has been traveling the world and has developed a deep love for soaking up different cultures. Through travel she has discovered more and more about herself and the way she wants to move through life and wanted to bring people along with her on this ride. She brings her adventurous spirit, her love for community, her attention to detail and motivational talents to each itinerary and trip!